

For non-urgent issues, please follow the guidelines below and choose the right service. An appointment may not be necessary.

This will help us to be more efficient by making an appointment available to you when you need it the most.

Pharmacy and Self Care

See a Pharmacist

Many conditions can be treated without the need to see your GP.


Help and support available from many National and Local Organisations

Visit our Self Help Zone

Self-Referral Services

Taking Control of Your Care

Access these services directly without seeing a GP first.

View Self-Referrals

Book an Appointment

Supporting Everyone's Needs

We understand that digital services aren't suitable for everyone. That's why we offer:

  • Telephone appointments
  • Face-to-face support and appointments
  • Language translation services
  • Extended appointments when needed
  • Home visits for eligible patients
  • Support for carers accessing our services

Urgent appointments for today or tomorrow

If you feel that your problem is urgent, you should tell the receptionist and every effort will be made for you to be seen the same day.

If the doctor needs to see you in person or you would prefer a face-to-face appointment, we will invite you to come in.

Ways to book

1. Request an urgent appointment online

2. Telephone: 0208 427 2470

Extended Access

We also have extended access available. See our Out of Hours information.

Book a Routine Appointment

Ways to book

1. Request an appointment online

2. Telephone: 0208 427 2470

Finding the Right Care

Our team provides comprehensive care for complex and ongoing health needs.

We offer:
Mental Health Support

We understand that mental health is as important as physical health. Our team provides initial assessments, ongoing support, and referrals to specialist services when needed. We work closely with mental health professionals to ensure you receive comprehensive care.

Complex Health Issues

When you have multiple symptoms or concerns that need investigating, we provide thorough assessments, coordinate your care, and make specialist referrals when necessary.

Long Term Condition Management

If you have a long-term condition, you will receive invitations to book your review appointments when they are due.

If you have a mobile phone you can self book your appointment when you are sent the invite.

If you have not received an invite or need any further help booking these:

1. Contact us online

2. Telephone: 0208 427 2470

Sickness Certificates (Fit Notes)

You must give your employer a doctor's 'fit note' (sometimes called a 'sick note') if you've been ill for more than 7 days in a row and have taken sick leave. This includes non-working days, such as weekends and bank holidays.

Visit our Sickness Certificates page

Travel Vaccinations

Information and advice for travelling abroad.

Visit our Travel Information page

Home Visits

Whenever possible we ask you to come to the surgery for appointments. At the surgery we have full access to your records and to treatment facilities. You can usually be seen sooner if you can come to the surgery. We can see three or four patients in the surgery in the time it takes to do one home visit.

If you are too ill to come to the surgery you may need to request a home visits, but please remember these are intended for the housebound, bed-bound, terminally ill patients or those whose condition will significantly deteriorate with travel.

If you are really too unwell to come in please try to phone before 11am.

Telephone: 0208 427 2470

If you are unsure whether you need a visit, reception can arrange for you to get advice from one of the doctors. If the doctor feels your problem would be appropriately dealt with in the surgery then you will be offered an appointment and the visit request declined.

The doctors squeeze visits in between morning and afternoon surgeries but also have to fit in other clinics and meetings during this time so the timing of a visit cannot be guaranteed.

Requests for emergency visits later during the day will be passed on to the doctor on call who will talk to you to help decide the best way to manage the problem.

Change or Cancel an Appointment

If you are cancelling please let the surgery know as soon as possible, and at least 30 minutes before your appointment time. This will enable us to offer your appointment to someone else.

Ways to cancel

1. Telephone us on 0208 427 2470.

2. Cancel an appointment online

3. Cancel through the NHS App

Out of Hours

Enhanced Access

Ask at reception for enhanced access information

Life Threatening

Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

  • you or someone you know needs immediate help
  • you have seriously harmed yourself – for example, by taking a drug overdose

A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a medical emergency.

Find your nearest A&E

If you are deaf, call 999 BSL

Urgent But Not Life Threatening

Visit an urgent care centre if:

  • You have an urgent medical issue requiring on the day attention

Find Urgent Care Services


Use NHS 111 if:

  • You need help now, but it’s not an emergency

There will be someone to provide you with advice and to direct you to a clinician if it is necessary.

Visit NHS 111 Online


The Surgery prides itself in maintaining professional standards. For certain examinations during consultations an impartial observer (a “Chaperone”) will be required.

This impartial observer will be a practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant or a non-clinciian who is trained in chaperoning and is familiar with the procedure and be available to reassure and raise any concerns on your behalf. If the above personnel are unavailable at the time of your consultation then your examination may be re-scheduled for another time.

You are free to decline any examination or chose an alternative examiner or chaperone. You may also request a chaperone for any examination or consultation if one is not offered to you. The GP may not undertake an examination if a chaperone is declined.

The role of a Chaperone:

  • Maintains professional boundaries during intimate examinations.
  • Acknowledges a patient’s vulnerability.
  • Provides emotional comfort and reassurance.
  • Assists in the examination.
  • Assists with undressing patients, if required.

Working Together with Respect

At The Ridgeway Surgery, we're committed to providing the best possible care with kindness and professionalism. Our staff work hard to help every patient, often in challenging circumstances.

While we understand that health concerns can be stressful and frustrating, we operate a zero-tolerance policy towards abuse or aggressive behaviour.

Our staff are here to help. They're skilled professionals and human beings who deserve to feel safe and respected at work.

Treating our team respectfully helps us maintain a positive environment in which we can focus on what matters most: providing excellent care to all our patients.

Read our Zero Tolerance Policy